#13-05 Cost Share Policy: This policy authorizes local conservation district boards to establish by resolution, cost-share ratios up to 100% in association with all WSCC grant cost-share funding except CREP and Irrigation Efficiencies and other programmatically prescribed cost-share limitations.
#12-16 Conservation District Consolidation Policy: RCW 89.08.180 contains three paragraphs pertaining to the combination or consolidation of two or more conservation districts, and gives the Washington State Conservation Commission (Commission) certain powers and duties.
#09-02 Cost Share Participation by Conservation District Municipal Officers including Employees and Associate Supervisors: Cost share funding using state funds for conservation projects proposed or sponsored by conservation district municipal officers including district employees and/or associate supervisors or a business entity in which a district employee or associate supervisor have an interest, will be allowed only if the district board has considered the ethics requirements for municipal officers set forth in RCW 42.23.030 and RCW 42.23.070