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Central Klickitat Conservation District

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Save the date!

Central Klickitat CD is holding an in-person and mail-in election for a supervisor position. Mail-in ballots must be requested in advance, by February 7, 2024. Learn more at


Central Klickitat Conservation District

To improve and conserve natural resources in coordination with the wise use of natural resources by serving citizens within the district boundaries with technical services, financial assistance, education, public information and representation of local citizens at all levels of government related to natural resource management.

Reports & Publications:

Meeting Times

Meets the third Wednesday of each month, except August, at 8:00 am at the USDA Service Center in Goldendale.

Contact Us

1107 S Columbus Ave Goldendale, WA 98620
(509) 773-5823 ext. 5
Site visit of a restoration project

Site visit of a restoration project

Riffles in the Touchet River

Riffles in the Touchet River

Central Klickitat Conservation District

Success Stories

Check back later for stories from this district!