Funding is now available for Washington conservation districts to restore and maintain riparian management areas:
The State Conservation Commission (SCC) is committed to supporting private landowners’ voluntary stewardship of natural resources. In 2023, the WA State Legislature approved funding for SCC to run a voluntary riparian grant program for priority riparian restoration and protection. This opportunity provides funding for projects to restore and protect riparian habitat. Riparian habitat restoration and protection projects are crucial for maintaining healthy ecosystems and preserving biodiversity.
In the 2023 legislative session, revenues collected as a result of the Climate Commitment Act were appropriated to SCC. The funds came with proviso language specifying how the funds were to be used, encouraging incentive programs focusing on landowner projects to restore and maintain riparian management areas.
This is capital funding. The budget proviso language states, “the appropriation is provided solely for the Commission to run a voluntary riparian grant program for priority riparian restoration and protection.....” Read the full proviso language here.
This is operating funding. The budget proviso language states, “One-time funding is provided solely to support the outreach, identification, and implementation of salmon riparian habitat restoration projects that are appropriated through the capital budget.”
To guide this work, SCC formed a work group and advisory committee. Thank you to everyone who volunteered to serve on the Riparian Grants Work Group to help the SCC draft programmatic guidelines for the new Riparian Grants Program. Notes and links to past meeting recordings are available here. Links to recordings are contained within the notes.
Conservation districts are the only eligible entities for this program. All other organizations, agencies, and entities are encouraged to work with their local conservation district to identify, support, and partner on riparian project implementation. Find your local conservation district here.
All land ownerships are eligible under this program including private, tribal, federal, state, non-profit organization, or local government ownerships. However, only land not owned by governmental agencies are eligible for tiered incentive payments.
Riparian Grant Program funds may be used for the following eligible project types:
All stream types regardless of the presence of salmonids are eligible for riparian restoration and protection projects under this program. However, tiered incentive payments have additional restrictions.
All applications for funding must utilize this form: Riparian Grant Program Application Form.
For any SCC grant program that is funded by the Climate Commitment Act, the statute requires that applicants notify, “all affected federally recognized Tribes within the project area,” about their proposed project as early as possible prior to approval of funding.
The notifications must follow the instructions below:
NOTE: This requirement is separate from and in addition to cultural resources requirements they cannot be combined into one process.
Reporting on all activities is required. Additional reporting requirements may be added as additional guidance becomes available pertaining to Climate Commitment Act funds reporting. Cost-share projects will be reported utilizing SCC’s Conservation Practice Data System (CPDS) while all other work will be reported utilizing this form: Riparian Grant Program Reporting Form.
Riparian Grant Program funding will be allocated on an ongoing basis, as long as funds remain available. Specific deadlines will be posted on the SCC Funding Availability & Review Timeline.
Please contact your regional manager for questions.
The Riparian Grant Program is supported with funding from Washington’s Climate Commitment Act (CCA). The CCA puts cap-and-invest dollars to work reducing climate pollution, creating jobs, and improving public health. Information about the CCA is available at
Check out the latest Riparian Grant Program Overview Webinar on March 5, 2024 and download slides here.
Want more information? Check out the following files that are related to the Riparian Grant Program.
Please make sure to read over the guidelines and the reporting form before applying for funds. Current funding is valid through June 30, 2025.
Funding will be allocated on an ongoing basis, as long as funds remain available. Specific deadlines will be posted on the program webpage and on the SCC Funding Availability & Review Timeline.
Application deadlines: