Conservation Success Stories

The Conservation Commission and conservation districts integrate  science, technology, and effective strategies for engaging people into our  voluntary solutions. This helps us build community around conservation and  deliver multi-benefit results. You’ll find examples of these solutions—and  the results we’ve been able to celebrate with participating landowners and  partners—in these community success stories.

Spokane Conservation District: Vets on the Farm

Spokane Conservation District

Learn about Spokane Conservation District's solution to help fill the largest gap in American history of agriculture — Operation New Mission: Vets on the Farm. A new generation of soldiers are separating from their military life and looking for work in something fulfilling. Many face an overwhelming transition from military life to civilian life, especially those with war and conflict-related injuries. Vets on the Farm gives veterans access to farming, ranching, and other agricultural-based employment.

More Community Stories:

Cascadia Conservation District

Bilingual Education

Cascadia Conservation District Supported residents at the Housing Authority of Chelan County and the City of Wenatchee with bilingual gardening and nutrition education courses. They also identified and linked communities in need of mobile food bank delivery and overcoming language and/or transportation barriers.

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Cascadia Conservation District

Wildfire Preparedness Outreach

When a local Washington conservation district, Cascadia, evaluated the launch plan for a wildfire preparedness program in partnership with a federal agency, they discovered the program wasn’t reaching the intended audience.

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Skagit Conservation District

No-Till Drill

Skagit Conservation District's no-till drill has become a crowd favorite due to its minimal soil disturbance, which helps mitigate soil erosion and compaction while enhancing soil organic matter and structure.

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