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Lewis Conservation District

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Lewis CD is holding a mail-in election for a supervisor position on March 18, 2024. Mail-in ballots must be requested in advance (by February 26, 2024). To request a ballot, visit 2057 SW Salsbury Ave, Chehalis, WA 98532, Room 36, Chehalis, WA 98532, or contact the election supervisor at (360) 996-4560.


Lewis Conservation District

To provide technical and financial assistance for the conservation, protection, and development of natural resources within Lewis County.

Reports & Publications:

Meeting Times

Meets the fourth Wednesday of each month at 2:00 pm.

Contact Us

2057 SW Salsbury Ave Chehalis, WA 98532
(360) 996-4560
Wildflowers for pollinators blooming at the LCD office

Wildflowers for pollinators blooming at the LCD office

Chinook salmon fry

Chinook salmon fry

This bridge replaced a culvert in 2008

This bridge replaced a culvert in 2008

Lewis Conservation District

Success Stories

Check back later for stories from this district!