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Lincoln County Conservation District

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Lincoln County CD is holding a mail-in election for a supervisor position on March 25, 2024. Mail-in ballots must be requested in advance (by March 4, 2024). To request a ballot, contact the election supervisor at or (509) 725-4181 ext. 119.


Lincoln County Conservation District

"WORKING TOGETHER To Conserve Lincoln County's Natural Resources"

Assisting landowners to protect, conserve, and enhance our natural resources. Offering conservation resources for water, soil, livestock, energy, and natural resource concerns with programing, education, and implementation for landowners in Lincoln County.

Reports & Publications:

Meeting Times

Meets the second Wednesday of each month at 8:30 a.m. at the NRCS office (no meetings in August and September).

Contact Us

1310 Morgan St Davenport, WA 99122
(509) 725-4181 ext. 3
A walk through the tall grass

A walk through the tall grass

Living snow fence

Living snow fence

Sixth grade Conservation Day

Sixth grade Conservation Day

Lincoln County Conservation District

Success Stories

Check back later for stories from this district!