Conservation Commission News

Next steps in SCC’s executive director search

Next steps in SCC’s executive director search

The Washington State Conservation Commissioners met for a crucial special session where they discussed the next steps in selecting SCC's new executive director. People joined in-person at SCC's Lacey Headquarters and a virtually.


You can find the meeting's agenda here.


The Washington State Conservation Commissioners met today for a crucial special session to discuss the next steps in selecting SCC's new executive director. People joined in person at SCC's Lacey Headquarters and virtually.


You can find the meeting's agenda here.


At 1:03 p.m., they opened it to public comment, and no one elected to speak.


At 1:05 p.m., the commissioners went into an executive session as outlined in RCW: 42.30.110(1)(g) to talk about the hiring subcommittee's recommendation for the next agency leader. The commissioners were in a special session for an hour.


Then, at 2:06 p.m., the commissioners returned to the main meeting to announce their decision.


Commissioner Cochran moved to "Accept the selection committee's recommendation and to authorize the executive committee and chairman to begin negation with the top candidate."


Commissioner Longrie seconded the motion. The motion passed with Commissioner Mumford opposed.


The committee will start negotiations with the person recommended by the committee and hopes to have more information at the next regularly scheduled board meeting in November. So, mark your calendar for the upcoming Nov. 30, 2023, commission meeting in Wenatchee, where the commissioners hope to finalize the hiring process.


The special meeting wrapped up at 2:10 p.m.