Conservation Commission News

Conservation Month marketing materials available!

Conservation Month marketing materials available!

We are excited to announce our Conservation Month marketing materials! The media toolkit is live at

Here is what you can expect to find:

Marketing & Media Materials

These marketing materials were created to advertise your district’s election and Conservation Month. These include logos, flyers, a social media toolkit and advertisement language that you can use. Feel free to use any and all materials for advertising your election.   

SCC also created templates to help you advertise your district’s election and Conservation Month Those templates include a press release, a letter to the editor, and a resolution.

> Get the toolkit


SCC also budgeted money for merchandise like stickers, posters, and bumper stickers that you can use to advertise your elections.

For the first round, each district is allocated $250 to spend before Feb. 28.

Should there be money remaining in the budget, those districts interested in a second round of purchasing will be notified.

> Get your order started here

Need help promoting your election?

If you want help getting anything placed in things like your local paper, blog, or stakeholder newsletter, feel free to reach out to Paige (, 360.742.9488). We are happy to help!

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to contact anyone on SCC's communications team at